Here are some of our players, as we restored our borrowed rehearsal space, the First American Title Company community room, to its prerehearsal state tonight. Clockwise from upper left: Jeff, who's playing Frank. As I shot the pic, he said, "I'm moving tables la la la." Next is Lacey, who's our Annie: "Try to get my better side." Jena (Annie understudy and ensemble member) and Jessica (Winnie) are pictured next. They said to each other, "What shall we do?" and came up with the pose you see. Then comes Ramon, our lovable Tommy, who said: "Oh, good; you got my good side."
We laughed ourselves silly in tonight's rehearsal, which was an intense working of several scenes, starting with the ones the kids are in, and ending with the leads. As an evening proceeds, we find ourselves getting giddier and giddier, no one more so than yours truly. Tonight we had Dolly kicking Winnie in the posterior as she exited (we'll keep it in), and Annie (Jena) and Tommy kickboxing in the corner (we won't keep that in). It is really exhilarating to watch the show coming into its own, and even more rewarding than that is how wonderfully everyone seems to be getting along and enjoying him- or herself. That is the most gratifying part of this process for me: how darned much just plain fun it is for all concerned!