After an exhilarating audition process, we have cast our show, and oh, am I thrilled. Nearly 70 actors attended the open auditions (certainly a record of some sort), and then we heard 27 actors read for 7 roles at an intense three-hour callback. To have so many fine choices made my heart sing (not to mention all the inspiration I got from watching them as they vied for their roles).
Our Henry Higgins is a 48-year-old professionally trained actor with a huge resume, an enormous range, and a beautiful voice (who will actually
sing Higgins's many songs), and since he was reading against only one other actor, we really put him through his paces at the callback. When told he'd landed the role, he was exuberant.
Here is a sampling of the responses received to our casting invitations:
Higgins: "YES! with bells on, etc!! . . . I'm thrilled and honored. And can't wait. Yes, I accept the role and commit myself wholeheartedly."
Eliza: "Of course I absolutely accept the role of Eliza! I could not be more thrilled! Thank you so much for this opportunity! When I auditioned I really just wanted to be a part of the show in any way I could, so landing a role like this is way beyond my wildest expectations."
Alfred Doolittle: "Oh Joy and Rapture Unforeseen! I feel happy and humbled to be cast and must admit I've been on pins and needles! I am so grateful for the opportunity and so excited by the cast! . . . . an honor . . . . I'm giddy and bow thanks to you. I was heartened by how organized your auditions were and am thrilled to finally be under your direction. I'm here for the molding and can't wait to start. We'll bring the house down, we will!"
Pickering: "Thanks so much for this great news. I'm delighted to be chosen for the role of Pickering, and accept the role with much gratitude . I look forward to working with you , John, Annie and the others, as we build a strong, tight ensemble of players. It was a nice surprise, especially not expecting the results until this weekend. I come to this role without a lot of preconceived notions of it, so I am completely open to your creative approach to him."
Mrs. Higgins: "Of course I accept - I'm thrilled to be in the show with you! . . . . I'm yours, heart, body and soul. Again, I'm thrilled. Thank you so much . . . . I won't let you down!"
Mrs. Pearce: "A resounding YES . . . WOO HOO!! . . . agog and speechless ... [will] give it 110%!"
Our whole talented and dedicated production team is quite giddy about the cast we've assembled. I can scarcely believe I finally have the chance to direct this amazing show with a cast that exceeds anything I ever dared to hope.